DTE's Select Series!

Shop our new SELECT SERIES! What exactly is the select series you ask? Simple! We’ve been working to bring 4-5 top notch, high potency varieties to the menu in large quantity for you all to enjoy. These will be READILY AVAILABLE!

No more worrying about selling out, being a day late or a dollar short on drops. Try the first two of our series listed above and you’ll see what we mean 🙂 

Each batch crafted for the “Select Series” will have no risk of quickly selling out, you may buy as you please, and re-up when you feel like it. By the time our next shipment comes in we will have a steady 4-5 varieties to cover each color base! We have worked for MONTHS to nail all of these varieties down.

Over the course of the year it’s likely these batches might change, in which case we will notify everyone of when we will transition things to new  batches! 

Thanks everyone, and enjoy!